Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Sale
Buy from our wide selection of Ceiling Light Fixture Shade for sale online. We feature a huge variety at great prices. Shop Ceiling Light Fixture Shade now! Featuring Ceiling Light Fixture Shade for sale at Ebay.com. Find here all items On Sale Today for Ceiling Light Fixture Shade
Ceiling Light Fixture Shade, Vintage Ceiling Light Fixture Shade,
#ad Vintage Round Domed Cased White Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 9quot;: $28.00
Vintage Round Domed #ad
#ad 14quot; SQUARE Glass CEILING Light Fixture SHADE Replacement Vintage NEW 0409 6: $34.95
14quot; SQUARE Glass #ad
#ad MCM Atomic Starburst Mid Century Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Large 21”: $175.00
MCM Atomic Starburst #ad
#ad VINTAGE 12quot; Square WHEAT Glass CEILING Light Fixture SHADE Replacement NEW 60084: $29.95
VINTAGE 12quot; Square #ad
#ad 1 Mid Century Modern MCM Atomic Starburst Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade: $116.99
1 Mid Century #ad
#ad Vtg Mid Century Modern MCM Atomic Starburst Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade: $75.00
Vtg Mid Century #ad
#ad VTG Ceiling Light Fixture SHADE 11quot; Rounded Frosted Textured Glass Semi flush: $26.99
VTG Ceiling Light #ad
#ad VTG MCM Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Blue Glass Wheat Pattern 11quot; Square: $39.99
VTG MCM Ceiling #ad
#ad 1 Mid Century Modern MCM Atomic Starburst Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade: $105.00
1 Mid Century #ad
#ad Faux Stained Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 15.5quot; x 8quot; deep: $125.00
Faux Stained Glass #ad
#ad Vintage 12quot; Square Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Mid Century Wheat Pattern: $27.89
Vintage 12quot; Square #ad
#ad Vintage MCM 3 Hole Chain Pink Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade amp; 2 Chains: $34.99
Vintage MCM 3 #ad
#ad Antique Art Deco Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade: $35.00
Antique Art Deco #ad
#ad Vintage CEILING LIGHT FIXTURE amp; SHADE Large Jumbo 22 1 4quot; White Gold ROUND Glass: $69.99
#ad Large 14” Antique Glass Reverse Painted Pink Rose Ceiling Light Fixture Shade: $119.00
Large 14” Antique #ad
#ad Beautiful Antique Vintage MCM 10quot; Green Heavy Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade: $49.95
Beautiful Antique Vintage #ad
#ad Vintage Glass Ceiling Light Fixture SHADE Textured Frosted CLEAR 14quot; x 3.25quot;: $48.75
Vintage Glass Ceiling #ad
#ad Vintage 8quot; Art Deco Ribbed Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade center hole: $29.97
Vintage 8quot; Art #ad
#ad Vtg. Diamond Cut Glass Starburst Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 7 3 4quot;Fitter Stars: $30.00
Vtg. Diamond Cut #ad
#ad Vintage Used Retro Pink Glass Decorative Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Globe Part: $28.00
Vintage Used Retro #ad
#ad Vintage Pink Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 11.5” Square Wheat Design MCM: $23.99
Vintage Pink Glass #ad
#ad Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Square Retro White Frosted Glass Vintage Scroll Deco: $15.95
Ceiling Light Fixture #ad
#ad VTG 8.5quot; Bathroom Clear Frosted Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 4quot; deep: $21.50
VTG 8.5quot; Bathroom #ad
#ad Art Deco Cylinder Circular Globe Ceiling Light Fixture Shade VTG White 4” Fit: $28.00
Art Deco Cylinder #ad
#ad Vtg Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 11 5 8quot; Square Mid Century Wheat Pattern: $20.00
Vtg Glass Ceiling #ad
#ad Vintage Wavy Round Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Frosted Etched Floral: $20.00
Vintage Wavy Round #ad
#ad Frosted Glass Dome Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Vintage 8 1 2” Diameter: $13.49
Frosted Glass Dome #ad
#ad Vintage 12.5quot; Frosted Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade: $79.99
Vintage 12.5quot; Frosted #ad
#ad Vtg Atomic Starburst MCM Glass Brass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 13”: $87.50
Vtg Atomic Starburst #ad
#ad Vtg 10quot; Round Glass Decorative Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Cream Clear Floral: $25.00
Vtg 10quot; Round #ad
#ad Vtg Art Deco Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 1930#x27;s Frosted Blue clear 10quot;: $35.99
Vtg Art Deco #ad
#ad Vtg Art Deco 11 1 4quot; Frosted Pink Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade 3 Chain 64R: $20.00
Vtg Art Deco #ad
#ad Frosted Glass Ceiling Light Fixture SHADE ONLY with soft white lines: $26.25
Frosted Glass Ceiling #ad
#ad Vtg Art Deco Ornate Large Gold GLASS Embossed CEILING LIGHT FIXTURE SHADE 16.25quot;: $74.95
Vtg Art Deco #ad
#ad Vintage MCM PINK Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Shade Cover Square 13 3 4quot;: $39.99